Cultivated Meat Defence Fund

Cultivated meat. It could end factory farming. It could rewild the planet. It could save the climate. But it could also be about to be banned. Yes, banned, as in made illegal.

We know, it sounds crazy! But this is what's already happening. Starting in Italy in 2023, the Meloni government brought in a law criminalising the producing or selling cultivated meat. Now 12 other European countries are considering passing bans and there is even talk of a European wide ban. 

In the US, the state of Florida has placed a ban on cultivated meat and several other states look to follow.

This critically important sustainable food industry is under immense pressure from the livestock industry and reactionary politicians who want to squash it before it's even truly gotten started.

That's why we need your help,  together we can build a grassroots movement in defence of cultivated meat.